キアスム/交差する視線 今井智己|井上信也




Tomoki Imai | Shinya Inoue

July 7 - August 4, 2012


(『絡み合い―キアスム』メルロ=ポンティ・コレクション ちくま学芸文庫)




光そして対象の細部へ、緻密に巡らされる視線。2001 年、今井智己の1st 写真集『真昼』のもたらしたセンセーションは今もその余韻を深く留め、また2 冊目の写真集『光と重力』では、帯に寄せられた作家保坂和志による「思考する風景」という言葉が、端的にその世界観を象徴しています。今井智己の静謐で思索的な写真は、近年その評価をより確かなものにしており、再び動向が注目される作家です。本展では、未発表の作品を含む新作を中心に出品いたします。


“Knitted” と名付けられた、極細線で細密に編み込まれた絵画作品は、一見するとミニマルな抽象作品の佇まいを見せています。しかし作品の深部に目を移すと、ある瞬間シャンデリアの具象が立ち現れることに気づきます、その形象を見失うまいと、瞬きすらも躊躇する鑑賞者は、作品の表層と深部を往復する間に、次第にその独特なイメージに引き込まれていきます。本展では、この“Knitted” のシリーズの新作に加え、デビュー以来精力的に取り組んでいる映像作品も併せて発表いたします。


I do not look at chaos, but at things –so that finally one cannot say if it is the look or if it is the things that command.


Chiasm is a French phenomenological philosopher Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s conception of a crossing-over, which combines looking, and being looked at, (there is a overlapping or encroachment) rather than a traditional dualism of mind and body or object and subject. The overcoming the reality made by the dual-conception is one of the most important themes adopted a variety of approaches in the curatorial field in the world today.

Tomoki Imai and Shinya Inoue, SPROUT Curation is pleased to invite the two artists with different approaches to explore this critical theme.

Tomoki Imai

From light to the detail of the object, the photographer’s gaze minutely moves around. Still remaining its deep afterglow of sensation of Imai’s first photo collection “In the middle of the day” published in 2001, his second “Light and Gravity” is symbolized by the words “thinking landscapes” that was dedicated for the collection by a Japanese writer Kazushi Hosaka. Getting a solid appreciation for his serene and speculative images, Tomoki Imai is one of the remarkable photographers whom we must keep seeing. The exhibition will present his recent works including some unreleased prints.

Shinya Inoue

The painting series “knitted” literary knitted miniature lines shows the appearance of a minimalist abstract painting at first glance. However, once we see the depth of the work, we recognize suddenly a shape of chandelier appearing. Hesitating even a blink, the audience is gradually being drawn to the unique image in the course of round trip between surface and depth of the work. In this exhibition, Inoue will present a video work that he has been working on vigorously in addition to some new paintings from the “knitted” series.