伊勢克也|Katsuya Ise_Macaroni / Lost and Found

スプラウト・キュレーションはこの度、新スペースのこけら落としとして、伊勢克也の個展「Macaroni/Lost and Found」を下記の通り開催いたします。
展覧会タイトル:Macaroni / Lost and Found
会場:Sprout Curation (新スペース)
(1階にMaki Fine Arts)
[東西線]神楽坂駅 1番出口より徒歩6分(*地図アプリによっては2番出口のみが表示されるようです。ご注意ください)
[有楽町線]江戸川橋駅 4番出口より7分
Sprout Curation is pleased to present a solo exhibition “Macaroni / Lost and Found” of Katsuya Ise as a launching event for our new gallery space.
artist: Katsuya ISE
exhibition title: Macaroni / Lost and Found
date: Nov. 24—Dec. 22, 2017
venue: Sprout Curation (new space) https://goo.gl/maps/uXpJFoBwJrJ2
Sprout Curation
5-1-3F, Nishi-gokencho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
Open hours:
Wed—Sat: 13–19
Sun: 13–17
Katsuya Ise was born in Morioka city, Iwate prefecture in 1960. He graduated with a BA in Design from Tokyo University of the Arts, and subsequently completed an MA in 1984. It was around this time that he won the 5th Japan Graphic Exhibition Grand Prix at Parco gallery in Shibuya, and became an overnight sensation. Since Katsuhiko Hibino won the prize at the 3rd Japan Graphic Exhibition, this exhibition has created a big movement involving both fine and commercial art in the mid of ‘80s.
Meanwhile, the vast number of drawings, which Ise had been absorbed in making at that time caught the eye of an art director, Katsumi Asaba, resulting in a small publication of drawings titled Macaroni. Images that seem to exist between spontaneous lines and letters, and a perspective on nature originated from Japanese ancient polytheism, and with muttering-like words at the end of the publication. These are the elements that appeared in Macaroni and formed the foundation of his art.
Macaroni Image has no forms.
Macaroni Image changes shapes.
Macaroni Image has no scale.
And Macaroni Image is thoughtless.
In 1993 Ise won the Silver Award among membership holders at the Tokyo Type Director's Club (TDC) where he acted as a board of trustees. Art magazine Foil vol.3, published on October 2003 dedicated entire pages to his works. His practice covers a wide range of activities, for example his House project involved workshops at museums and collaborations with Fumio Tachibana. Ise’s elusive approach towards the difference between figurative and abstraction, escaping through the existing frameworks is a sign of a genuine artist.
His works give a calmness like an Indian summer, but also have a sharp tension, and are filled with mysterious attractiveness that touches the viewer’s heart. In this exhibition, we exhibit new pieces from the Macaroni series as well as the original Grand Prix pieces from the legendary Japan Graphic Exhibition in 1984. Please take this opportunity to see the works.